“Shockingly expensive” — truth in marketing
“The Shockingly Expensive Meal Program Worth Every Penny”
That’s the headline of the ad that appeared in my Facebook feed recently. Well, actually it said “Worth Every Pe…” but we all know how it ends.
This company knows who its target audience is—and it’s apparently not bargain-hunters.
The people who buy this stuff pride themselves on spending lots for meals. And—hey—if it’s “worth every pe…” I might not care if the food is “shockingly expensive,” though I will balk at $400 angora throws or $200 dog collars. (Sorry, Fenway.)
Everybody has a price range for everything. It just depends on what you value.
Shockingly expensive — and truthful
Still, you have to admire that marketer’s guts, right? “Shockingly expensive” are not words you often see in advertising.
In a world where you can buy an online course for $59, my writing programs may seem “shockingly expensive.”
My TEDxCellence™ Mastermind program requires a fairly large investment—in money and in focus. I want to weed out the dilettantes, the people who have a passing thought that “Gee, it might be fun to give a TEDx Talk.” The people who start writing for fun often balk when it becomes actual work, as it sometimes must. When people invest in working with me, I want them to be committed, to do the work, and to experience real change.
If that sounds like you—and if you’re ready for a “shockingly expensive” personal growth experience that’s “worth every pe…”—check out my programs.
I can’t promise you a puppy in your arms as you savor your avocado toast. But I can promise to get you thinking in new ways—and to show you how transform your writing from good to great.