Retreat, verb: strategic withdrawal
Retreat, noun: a safe place
If you struggle to make yourself heard…
If you secretly wonder why anyone should listen to you…
If you hide your writing away, or never finish it so you won’t have to share it…
make a strategic withdrawal to a safe place.
If you’re not advancing in your business,
it’s time to Retreat.
Retreat with a select group of women this December and discover how to shine through your writing. Face the new year with stronger communication skills—and advance confidently toward your goals.
- Day One, December 28th: Find the unique strengths in yourself and your story
- Day Two, December 29th: Discover how telling stories (they don’t always have to be about you) can make your ideas more memorable.
- Day Three, December 30th: Share some stories—yes, out loud!—and begin to release your fears about getting your work out in the world. After all, what’s the point of shining if nobody sees you?
- Every day: Enjoy the energy of a committed, supportive group of women; great food; time to reflect and set intentions for the year ahead.
- January & February, 2018: Biweekly group calls and four half-hour private sessions to schedule at your convenience.
From retreating to advancing: my own story
I’ve spent more than two decades helping leading corporate executives tell their stories. And when I say “leading,” I mean leading:
“You have a terrific ear and you turn straight thinking
into straight writing.” — Warren Buffett
But if you’d met me as a child, you would not have come away thinking: That little girl is going to be an award-winning speechwriter one day.
My parents taught me to be tentative with the world. To them, certainty sounded like arrogance coming out of a girl’s mouth. Once my mother actually told me
“If someone asks you a question, like ‘What’s two plus two?’ Even if you’re 100% sure the answer is four, you don’t say ‘Four.’ You say, ‘I think it’s four.'”
Yep. And she was dead serious about it, too.
Even though I was only eight at the time, something in me recognized the toxicity of that attitude. Still, I internalized it without even realizing. I might not have said “I think…” with every sentence, but I hid for years.
Showing up, speaking up, sharing my talents—it just didn’t feel safe in the business world. Every time I opened my mouth, I expected to be criticized. And I can’t imagine how many opportunities that cost me.
Then I discovered writing. And writing helped me to shine.
Eventually I realized that when I shine, I’m not detracting from anyone else; I’m giving the people around me permission to shine, too. Excellence fuels more excellence.
So let’s fuel your excellence, shall we?
Because if you’re tired of seeing your peers move up the ladder; if you’re tired of seeing your ideas co-opted by people who communicate them better; if you’re tired of hiding who you are, next year doesn’t have to be like all the years before. It’s time—it’s past time—for you to
Write & Shine
I designed this retreat to help you discover the elements of your story. Sharing those elements will help your listeners recognize you for the spectacular person you are. And you’ll discover how to share your story strategically, so you can make your mark on the world.
You’ll also learn how to find and tell other stories—because we can’t talk about ourselves forever, right?
If you’re ready to step into your power, pen or laptop in hand, fill out the application below and we’ll see if the Write & Shine Retreat is the right fit for you. And I’ll be happy to hop on the phone with you and answer your questions, if you don’t find the answers here:
Why a retreat at the end of the year?
If you’re like me, you always say you want to schedule time for reflection before the new year. But how often have you done it?
Well, this year you can. Join us in Boston Thursday December 28th through Saturday December 30th. Find your writer’s voice and start the new year with new confidence to use it.
What will we do during the retreat?
Learn to love your story and use it to move others. Discover how to enhance the power of your story, to allow your colleagues or customers—or any audience—to know, like, and trust you. To build the kinds of solid relationships that create breakthroughs and strengthen careers.
We’ll also look at why storytelling matters. At what helps an audience connect with you, whether they’re reading something you wrote or listening to you speak. And at how you can find and use other stories—yes, you don’t always have to talk about yourself!—to move people to action.
What about after the retreat?
We’ll keep the momentum going with biweekly group calls in January and February, as you synthesize all you’ve learned and put it to work in the real world. The calls will keep you connected with your fellow writers from the retreat as you share your challenges and celebrate your wins. And each writer will also receive four half-hour private coaching sessions with me to use in the eight weeks following the retreat. That’s four hours of group work and two hours of one-on-one sessions: six hours, all included in your retreat investment.
Why is the Write & Shine Retreat for women only?
I’ve worked with men my whole career; many of my best clients are men. But let’s be honest: most men don’t need a whole lot of prodding to talk about themselves. (Imagine a winky emoticon here.)
Of course I’ll continue working with men in my webinars and private coaching sessions. But this particular program—this one’s for women only.
Join us. It’s time to shine.
If you would like to be one of only six writers in the “Write & Shine” retreat, please click this link and fill out the application.