“I want to see you be brave” — Song for a, well, Any Day


By Source, Fair use

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about women in the business world. Especially the many talented women stuck in mid-level corporate jobs when they’re clearly capable of so much more. I can give these talented women the tools they need to share their ideas and get noticed, but before I can empower them, I have to reach them. And then Sara Bareilles’ song “Brave” floated into my head:

“Say what you want to say
And let the words fall out.
Honestly, I want to see you be brave.”

I woke Fenway from a sound sleep when I shouted “That’s it! That’s exactly the message I’ve been looking for.”

Let your ideas out—even if it feels scary to do it. You’ve got this.

(More tomorrow. In the meantime, turn up your speakers and dance along with Sara.)

  • mindset